Photo of the Day: Canadian Volunteers Help with Sandy Recovery

Red Cross Talks

Dave Fraser, a Canadian Red Cross volunteer from Ottawa, Ontario is helping New Jersey residents recover in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. During American Thanksgiving last week, Red Cross volunteers helped serve 35,000 hot meals in New York and New Jersey and helped the American Red Cross deliver boxes of food to community Thanksgiving meal programs in many neighbourhoods.

For more photos of Red Cross volunteers from Canada and the U.S., visit Dan Bedell’s Flickr stream.

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Yoga for a Cause

For those of you that attended the event on Tuesday afternoon, repeat after me, Namaste.

This event was way too much fun thanks to the beautiful and witty instructor we had, Liat! Not only did we get to stretch out in the most relaxing way possible, but also we definitely got to get some laughs before final exams while raising money to the Hurricane Fund for Red Cross.

This semester is coming close to an end, Red Cross at York University would love to hear some feedback to what events you would like to see us organize next semester! Also, stay tuned for more exciting events in 2013!

Good luck on all your finals!

Sandwich Run with York Free the Children


When one thinks about the first bite into a sandwich, it reminds one of home. Last week, Red Cross and York Free the Children Club decided to bring a little piece of home to those who were not as lucky to have a home to go back to every night.




Also, we would like to thank all the volunteers who came to help out and this event so successful!

Canadian Red Cross assists with Hurricane Sandy

Red Cross Talks

The American Red Cross is in the midst of a major relief operation in response to Hurricane Sandy. The severe storm has affected millions of people and caused power outages, flooding and other damage along the eastern seaboard this week.

The Canadian Red Cross is deploying 10 trained volunteers to support American Red Cross shelter operations in New York.  Additional volunteers and supplies are ready to be deployed if needed.

The American Red Cross response is significant. Consider that to date, they have mobilized 2,300 disaster workers from all over the country, served more than 100,000 meals and snacks, activated nearly 200 response vehicles and shipped in more than 230,000 ready-to-eat meals.  And 9,000 people spent last night in 171 Red Cross shelters across 13 states.

The Canadian Red Cross is now accepting funds at to support American Red Cross efforts to provide immediate assistance to thousands of people affected by this powerful…

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Volunteers Needed

We hope you are having a great and productive Reading Week!
We are excited to let you know about our next two events happening next week. We need as many volunteers as we can get, so please read carefully!

First, as we all know, Hurricane Sandy has wreaked havoc in the Atlantic, and the Canadian Red Cross has sprung in to action, and so are we! We will be tabling at Central Square next week on Tuesday, November 6 from 2pm to 4pm (this date might change so please keep checking your emails/facebook for updates). We are going to raise funds to those hard hit in the Caribbean; Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Haiti. Funds will go towards the Red Cross HURRICANES 2012 FUND (which only has $3500 to date)


If you are available to volunteer at some point on Tuesday please fill out the doodle schedule with you EMAIL and NAME at

In addition, we will be hosting our OWN sandwich Run with YorkU Free the Children On Saturday November 10th at 11am at the Stong Cafeteria. We are asking volunteers to join us in making sandwiches for delivery to several food banks and shelters around York U and Toronto.

If you are interested in volunteering please RSVP to our facebook event at

Or send an email to

We hope to see you all at both our events. Remember you will get volunteer hours, which could lead to a recognition award from the Red Cross at the end of the year and the possibility to become part of the executive team as well!

If you have any questions please feel free to email us.


Red Cross Executive Team.

Red Cross Sandwich Run with UofT on Saturday

Calling for Red Cross Volunteers at YorkU to make some real changes downtown Toronto!

The UofT Red Cross Club is holding a Sandwich run this Saturday. This is a great opportunity to get to know fellow Red Cross members from across the GTA, while doing our part to help out our local community.  We will be making sandwiches and delivering them to the homeless and to local shelters near the UofT downtown campus area. GET READY TO WALK!

Date: Saturday October 13, 2012
Time: 11am – 2pm
Location: 85 St. George Street (University College Residence, Whitney Hall)

Questions? Concerns? E-mail

Although this event is being held by the UofT club, all of our York members are welcome to attend!! Just send an email to the address above and let them know you are coming.

Sign up and participate to make changes one step at a time!

New semester, New volunteers, and New opportunities to help change the world

Red Cross table during YorkFest

Warm welcome to all our new volunteers!

All of us executive members from Red Cross at YorkU are here to thank you all for such a great turn out during York Fest! We had over 100 new member sign ups and were all impressed to see all of you to be so involved and willing to help change the world a little at a time. This year, we will be hosting at least one event a month to help raise awareness around campus and it means nothing more to us than to have each and every single one of our volunteers to attend and be apart of the change that we make!

We have an upcoming event that can give you a thorough introduction to the Red Cross. This Red Crescent workshop will lead you through the history of Red Cross, Red Cross appeals, and different ways for you to get involved in the future! For all of you that signed up for Red Cross at York University and are looking to become official Canadian Red Cross (CRC) volunteers, you are required to attend the event. Attending the Red Cross workshop will give the volunteers a certification of attendance and it is a great chance for you to network and meet the Exec team!

Hope to see all of you soon!